so i was playing with helen earlier (well at least till my satanic ping gave me consent, then it just went crazy lol) and i had an idea about this thread. hopefully nobody else made it in the past
how do you play with ut? what are your configs? keys? etc.
i'll start
movement, i use wasd. i used to go with arrows, but eventually i switched to wasd. oh, i also have an alias for space: when i jump, i also make a thrust taunt lol. got a few taunts mapped to numpad just for fun.
ctrl is crouch
shift is walk
z toss relic (love that mutator)
don't have a key for fake death since i mostly play with bots anyway
skin: commando, blake. no custom skin on server yet. they told me i have to reach 1milion frags first
weapons, i use this config. the order goes clockwise starting from e to x. sometimes i automatically stop strafing to the right so i can change weapon and start going backwards or forward (if i'm in the middle of the action).
1 impact
2 enforcer
3 biorifle
4 shock
5 pulse
e ripper
r rockets
f flak
c rockets
x sniper
resolution: 1024 x 768
fov: 105
world and actor details: medium
driver: openGL, i don't have too much brightness cranked up, i like having some dark spaces in maps. i don't wanna get too much out of immersion, you know.
crosshair: patsui (1337patsui); yellowish color
hud: white, pretty big for other people i'd say, but again, im too used to quake1 and i love having a nice hud eh *shrugs*
believe it or not, i used to play with a huge weapon bob and weapon show:middle/center lol. but only recently i put hidden weapons and 0 bob. a HUGE difference in aiming! even though i still can't hit a combo
weap priority: minigun, flak, pulse, sniper, rocket, ripper, shock, bio, enforcers, redeemer
no automatic switch of course
attachments, how it looks like
(map is DM-WU-ClassicOrrient, with two "r"s, just with different placements by me cause i didn't like the originals; the levelname is Ataghiba Ruins)