Ok the mutator is attached. I also included my ini I used, that should give you an idea of how to use it.
To find out what values you need to set for a model, do this.
A. Open UT, and go to your player setup
B. Set up your player to match the Class, Skin, Face and Voice you want to use for one of your models.
C. Close UT
D. Open your UnrealTournament/System/User.ini
Right at the top in the [DefaultPlayer] section, you can see what values you need.
There are only two lines in the example, but you can go up to four, like
mModel[0]= ... (red team values)
mModel[1]= ... (blue team values)
mModel[2]= ... (green team values)
mModel[3]= ... (gold team values)
You do NOT have to add a ServerPackages line.
Any troubles let me know.
Edited: I wasn't able to test if I balanced the teams properly, because I was the only human, but it should work.