The idea initially kicked off in my skins edit thread on the ut99 forum · was then just a matter of Baardman making the faces for it, with suggestions coming in:

Skin is named "World Leaders" now, but it was initially "Dictators" and basically that's the truth of it.
What is a dictator?

Opinions vary:
· To my way of thinking, Trump was a dictator thru most of his 1st term.
· Some Canadians see Trudeau as a dictator, but I don't see it.
· Kim Jong-un, obviously. Xi, definitely. Putin, so much.
Skin has 7 faces: Bibi Netanyahu, Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, & Vladimir Putin.
I originally put Trump in there just for testing, planned to remove it later... but then he won the election.
I wasn't expecting Trudeau to retire, but I left him in there anyway.

There were some issues with the initial design of Putin's face, most of which were fixed. The hair is a bit much... but he used to have more so I guess this is okay.
I had a little too much fun with Xi's talk texture. Seems a stretch back someone pointed out he looks like "Winnie the Pooh" so he completely banned any depiction of the character from being shown in China.
Added the fat belly texture as most World Leaders (exceptions of Macron, Putin, Trudeau) don't exercise all that much.